July 29, 2005

Microsoft back to it's old ways

Microsoft uses former exec as lawsuit springboard 'to stop' Google according to The Register
In a sign of just how anxious Microsoft is about the threat posed by Google in internet, corporate and desktop search, Bill Gates reportedly told Lee that chief executive Steve Ballmer has been looking for a reason to go after to Google. Lee's defection, to head-up Google's Chinese R&D facility, was clearly it.

"Steve is definitely going to sue you and Google over this," Gates said according to court filings reported in the The Seattle Times. "He has been looking for something just like this, someone at a VP level to go to Google. We need to do this to stop Google."
And it's not like this will be the first time that Microsoft will have used dirty tricks to stop a rival with better technology. Luckily this time the platform is not the desktop but the web, so Microsoft will find it harder to exploit their monopoly to stiffle competition. This doesn't mean that they aren't going to try, using their web browser monopoly rather than desktop operating system monopoly:
Users with search toolbars from Yahoo! and arch-rival Google have discovered that these vanish. Other third-party toolbars designed to block pop-ups or aid with form filling appear to be working normally, according to reports from Reg readers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know I'm not imagining things, Yahoo toolbar in my computer does just that: keeps disappearing.

3:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article in the Register is totally false. Here's Microsoft's official response: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2005/07/29/444957.aspx

12:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you using the latest Yahoo toolbar?

12:02 am  
Blogger chris said...

Sorry Mr Scoble, you've been found out. Here is an email that The Register just published.

Subject: RE: IE7 nukes Google, Yahoo! search

Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:31:42 -0700

From: "Robert Scoble" rscoble@microsoft.com

To: [zapped]

Yup, trying to find out what's up on that one. It did it for me too. Wiped them out.


2:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This email was fabricated (and I can prove it). So, you are backing a liar and a libeler. Glad you don't care about your own credibility. Why didn't you check your facts? I put my cell phone out there so you can. 425-205-1921.

10:28 pm  
Blogger chris said...

If The Register libeled you then I suggest you sue them.

They have gained my trust over the years. Microsoft has been convicted in court of using dirty tricks to attack rivals, so I see no reason to trust them (remember Netscape? 'Knife the baby' 'shut off their air supply'?).

Hence I will continue to trust them over you.

1:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid the e-mail wasn't fabricated. The PC I'm talking about runs Windows ME. I use it only occasionally, but yes the Yahoo toolbar I'm talking about was downloaded about three weeks ago. The computer I use mostly runs XP and I've had Yahoo toolbar in it for about a year now without problems. I find it (the toolbar) useful, therefore I noticed the disappearance on my second PC running ME.

4:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris: actually, if you look into the Register, you'll find that they aren't very reliable at all. Glad you find them to be that way, though. In this case they quite clearly are wrong. All you have to do is look into what actually got reported.

Antti's replier: are you running the latest Yahoo or Google toolbar?

9:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert, I'm getting tired of this. Of course it's new version, since I downloaded it about 2-3 weeks ago. ME is an extremely unstable OS, and may be part of the problem. How should I know, I'm just a layman in these (IT) matters. I'm just reporting what happened to me. Furthermore, I've been very pleased with most MS products I've used. I have no wish or capability to bring down mighty Microsoft.

5:06 pm  

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